Friday, November 13, 2020

Barbara Ann: The Mystery at Mountain View

    Barbara Ann is on a 3 week class trip through Colorado. The group is spending one week staying at Mountain View Resort, where Barbara's friend Bob Allen is working for the summer. Strange things begin to happen to drive all the guest out of the resort. Together Bob and Barbara decide to get to the bottom of thing.

- One night at Yellowstone everyone is heading to their cabins for the night and the boys offer to open the cabin door for the girls because they assume the girls will be scared since it's dark inside. The girls are offended that the boys would think them so timid and frighten and the boys promptly mock them for being so "independent". The girls then head to their cabin very peeved at the boys. When they open the door a giant bear is in their cabin and they have to run screaming to the boys to protect them. The boys then rub this in their faces. Let this be a lesson to all you women out there; if you try to be independent you will be accosted by a wild bear in your home.

- The answer to the strange occurrences at Mountain View are almost all attributed to a radio broadcast. The lights going on and off, the telephones ringing, etc are all done with a radio broadcast which just isn't accurate. I don't know if Ruth Grosby knew this or not but I found it a little annoying.

- Similar to the last book Barbara, and Bob in this case, reveal all their evidence to the culprit while they are alone in an isolated area with them. Barbara learned nothing from her last kidnapping.

- When the forest fire is first spotted it is look upon as a nice, exciting thing. One of the boys calls it a "swell forest fire".

- The group of students and the teacher go to the forest fire to look for Bob and Barbara. They don't even call authorities first. Once at the site the fire is already out and they see Bob's scout pin and a charm from Barbara's bracelet and decide they're dead and all head back to the resort. Why would they not keep looking for the two in the hopes they are either alive or injured while one person goes back for the authorities. It's weird behavior.

- The three criminals get away and no ones cares. They don't complain about it or even mention it again. This bothers me so much because the bad guys are always suppose to be punished for their criminal actions. Even in books such as The Missing Formula the bad guy goes free but that's after he's been caught and the good guys have decided to let him go.

    The mystery is crowded in at the end and the majority of the book is more about Barbara Ann's fun school trip which was extremely boring. The only scenes I really enjoyed were the ones where Barbara was out in the woods. Everything taking place inside the resort and before they got to the resort was terribly boring.

    I didn't end up writing a full summary for this book due to a combination of feeling burnt out on writing summaries and because I kept setting this book down for long periods of time. 

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